I have realized that I am trying to catch up in most of the things I do: work, creativity, physical conditioning, and just an overall understanding of how to navigate this thing called life. I feel like a fish.
Swimming upstream. I try my best to move forward, but then I get pushed back by a neighboring swimmer, or at times, I might even eaten by a bear. For some sick reason, I am reincarnated back into that damn fish and start the process all over again. Struggling and feeling like it’s too hard, so why not just quit? It’s hard to imagine what is over the edge of that waterfall when I keep finding myself back, where I have started having to lift myself back up and feel the strength of the current pushing and splashing over me.
I feel like this most days. But then there are days where even with the pushback, there is a spark that helps to push through the pain. Sometimes, it’s when I photograph or have an inspiring conversation with someone. I dance, sing, hula hoop, write….. and do all things expressive.
I am reminded to hold on to those moments. Though they may not come all the time, when they do, they are precious and encourage me to keep swimming.